Important Information

If you are an Iranian migrant who have recently returned to IR Iran with the assistance of IOM, and have been entitled to the reintegration assistance, IOM office in IR Iran can help you, providing a series of services such as counseling and reintegration assistance.

For further information and assistance, you may contact the AVRR Unit through the following numbers and email address:

+989123018814 | +989123576455 | +989108103825  


Working days/time: Sunday - Thursday from 08:00 - 16:30

اطلاعات مهم برای ذینفعان

Around the world, migration flows are becoming increasingly mixed and complex, and numerous individuals are remaining stranded in foreign countries or find themselves in irregular situations for prolonged periods of time. Since 1979, IOM has been implementing Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) programmes worldwide, to offer support and assistance to migrants in such vulnerable situations.
In general, AVRR programmes provide administrative, logistical and financial support, including reintegration assistance, to migrants unable or unwilling to remain in the host/transit country and who decide to return to their country of origin.   

In Iran, IOM is providing AVRR assistance for returning migrants in cooperation with IOM missions in host/transit countries, and it aims to expand its services to stranded migrants in the country, in collaboration with the host government and its global partners.   

Beneficiaries may include stranded migrants in host or transit countries, irregular migrants, regular migrants, and asylum seekers who decide not to pursue their claims or who are found not to be in need of international protection. AVRR assistance can also be provided to migrants in vulnerable situations, such as victims of trafficking, unaccompanied and separated children, or migrants with health-related needs.   

AVRR programmes in Iran provide a comprehensive range of services to migrants, including predeparture assistance and counseling, travel assistance (including booking flights and buying tickets), medical screening, and reintegration assistance. The reintegration assistance provided to beneficiaries upon their return can be allocated to support business start-ups, job placements, and vocational training, aiming to increase economic self-sufficiency and overall preparedness for a successful reintegration within the local community.

To maximize the impact of livelihood activities, the AVRR unit conducts business orientation courses for returning migrants, in collaboration with IOM Switzerland. 


Voluntary Return and Reintegration is a multidimensional process which focuses on giving individuals the chance to re-build economic, social, and psychosocial aspects of their lives.

To this end, the AVRR unit provides tailor-made reintegration assistance for returning migrants at individual level, aiming to identify and address all the returnees’ needs and vulnerabilities, so that they can ultimately achieve economic self-sufficiency, social stability within their communities, and psychosocial well-being.

The overall objectives of the AVRR activities can be summarized through the following points:

  1. Migrants have all the resources to make an informed decision and take ownership of the voluntary return process.
  2. Migrants reach their countries of origin in a safe and dignifi­ed manner.
  3. Returnees are able to overcome individual challenges impacting their reintegration.
  4. Communities have the capacity to provide an enabling environment for reintegration.
  5. Adequate policies and public services are in place to address the specifi­c needs of returnees and communities alike.
  6. Migrant vulnerabilities are addressed throughout the voluntary return and reintegration process.

Moreover, AVRR programmes are guided by principles of:

  1. Voluntariness
  2. Migrant-centered response
  3. Safety
  4. Sustainability of reintegration
  5. Confidentiality
  6. Dialogue and partnerships
  7. Evidence-based programming
Areas of Intervention
  1. Counselling migrants on return and reintegration assistance

    Individualized counselling enables potential returnees to consider all their available rights and options in the host/transit country and in the country of origin, be informed on the assistance that they would receive, and on the conditions of the voluntary return and reintegration assistance process. This process allows beneficiaries to independently evaluate whether return is the best alternative for them.

  2. Facilitating administrative and logistical arrangements

    Travel preparations include a variety of administrative and logistical arrangements, from collecting all necessary documents and booking tickets, to organizing operational assistance needed upon departure, transit, and arrival.

  3. Providing travel assistance

    Migrants may need assistance upon departure and during transit, to go through check-in, passport and security controls. Accompanying measures or escorts may be relevant to ensure the well-being and security of migrants such as elderly people or unaccompanied migrant children. When health conditions and related needs have been identified at the preparatory stage, arrangements are made for a medical escort and medical care all along the travel duration, along with other medical equipment such as stretchers and wheelchairs, as needed. Specific travel measures have to be put in place when facilitating the return of unaccompanied and separated children, elderly migrants and Victims of Trafficking.

  4. Assisting returnees upon arrival

    Whenever requested, immediate assistance upon arrival in the country of origin is provided to returnees, for instance, in the form of onward transportation to the destination and/or in arranging overnight accommodation. Specific arrangements should be in place for migrants in vulnerable situations who may require immediate support upon arrival.

  5. Supporting sustainable reintegration

    In IR Iran, reintegration assistance is provided by the AVRR unit to returning migrants directly, at individual level. It supports migrants to address their post-return psychological, economic, and social needs, and to cope with the remigration drivers. Having achieved sustainable reintegration, returnees are able to make further migration decisions a matter of choice, rather than necessity.

How to contact us

For further information and assistance, you may contact the AVRR Unit through the following numbers and email address:

+989123018814 | +989123576455 | +989108103825  
